
Thursday, 12 September 2013

What If..!!

We all have moments when we ask WHAT IF..
 I win 1 million Dollars?.... WHAT IF..
she doesn't love me?..... WHAT IF..
I die tonight or today????????

I think it's one of these things that makes us humans to questions things in our life. I honestly think if we didn't think or have what if moments life would be a wrecking ball of mess, with people doing things that don't make logic sense. 
Lets be real now, many times  we wanted to do something real stupid and we had a "what if.." moment that make  us stop and think. 
There was this day when I used to think back of all the moments I messed up and think and say  WHAT IF..
I did this or Change that, these are the moments when I made myself feel sick, because I was trying to change something that Couldn't  be change. I was Holding on to a pass memories  that I could not change because life doesn't come with a option to fix your pass or better it. 

I am one of those people that think that everything happen for a reason.


So what if your parents didn't break up? Would they be happy together? Would you be comfortable with them fighting?

So what if you did go all the way with your now Ex-boyfriend? Would he still be around? or  what if you wait would that be such a bad thing?
So what if you wasn't bullied? would you still be the person you are today? would life be better.

Now guys what I'm trying to say is there are always going to be "What If.."and moments when you question things in your life but the main thing is that you remember to live in the now not in the what if moment. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Roller Coaster Tuesday

I Know that what I'm about to talk about everyone can relate to it,Because its life on a hold. 
One day your loving life and the other day you don't see the point in life because your having a really bad day. 

Its fair to say that life is not always a bed of roses and that not everyday can be like the day before and lets be 100% honest with ourselves  if life was the same everyday we wouldn't enjoy it one bit. 

Just last week it rained almost all week and it was a very say and dull day for me at work since it rained and no one seem to come into the store i work which mean I'm just sitting there for a long time doing noting. Now there are things for me to do when this happens but because it was raining the place was way to cold and i was in a very bad spot to dare to move. 
I was about to mark this day down as one of the worst they of the week when i remembered that i have some reading to do so I started reading and lets say a few hours later what was to be a bad day turned around to be one of the best day's i had at work. 

I think this picture says it all for me in one caption. 
Now I want you to think 2 times when your having a bad day, Do you want to have one?.
The truth is that you have the power to  control how your day goes.


Monday, 9 September 2013

Why I love Mondays!!

Normally people would list all the things they hate about Mondays for example : 
1. Back to work or school 
2.The end of the weekend. 
3. Its to far from Friday. 
and so much more reasons. 
 I honestly see nothing wrong with Mondays its another day I'm given life to do the things i couldn't yesterday. 
Its like this picture we all see things in a different way, but the truth is that Mondays mean that your just 4 days away form the weekend. Don't think because its the first day of  school or work,that you should be the  cup that thinks that the liquid inside of it is piss. 
If you set yourselves up for a crappy day or a half empty week that's what your going to get. 
Find a reason to love Mondays.
I love Mondays because it's one step closer to Tuesday which mean i get to write another blog post for you guys again. 
I Love Mondays because it means i get to wake up and see another day in my life. 
I Love Mondays Because I Can love Mondays!! That just life. 


Sunday, 8 September 2013

This the week!!!

This week I'm going to be posting!! 
Prepare yourself for a week full of Amazing post!!
I hope  

Who is ready for a week full of awesomeness!!! 

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Coming Back!!

Hello my name is Kendrew I have always been this person but for some reason I feel the need to reintroduce myself to you guys once again. I think the reason feel the need to do so, is due to the fact that i haven't been writing lately about what going on in my life and telling you guys how to get by in life when it knocks you done, for that I am truly sorry to you my readers. Sometimes in life you just run out of words to say but hopefully this my way of coming back to you guys but in  a hold new and different way. This time I'm going to get a little personal and tell you about my everyday life and how I Handel them.