
Saturday, 9 February 2013

A place for the Broken

A place for the broken. 
When I started my blog is Was Because I was broken. 
                          I want to be heard and I want people to know what's on my mind. 
It was a time when I had something to say and I wanted someone to hear it,I wanted someone to ask me how I was doing? or if I was having a good day??
I writing this and tell you guys cause sometime I know that everyone has that moment in life when they want someone
to say "hi" or ask "how they are doing" and we as humans seem so busy with our own lives that we fail to notice anyone Around us.
So it's been a while since I blog and I know you guys have noticed cause some of you have send me emails asking me what's up?!.
I haven't been blogging cause I have been running. I have been running away form life, It all seem to happen so fast before I would seem finish this blog post something new has happen and something else has change!
But the funny thing is with life is that it's to fast to run away from.
So I just want to tell you guys that I'm gonna start posting blog post again.. And if I ever feel like I'm going to stop posting for a while ill post! Cuz it's not fair for me to have readers check everyday for post and there's none!!
And I want you guys to know that running away from your problems isn't the wisest thing to do cause your problems or what your running away from has a way of catching up to you!! Just try to stick around see what happens play out your role in your own life and see where it leads you life isn't fair but it up to you to make the best of it!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


A Label is defined as: 

A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.
To me everyone has a label on them just mean you can't really see them, But just think about it what if you could have a label and people can read them 
You would be able to see how to be and how that person should be handle.
Labels are put on item to avoid making a mess out of them or to protect important things from being harmed but sometimes labels can be use to say a lot about someone. 
Some people judge people by there labels or there name brand that they have on which I look at as being shallow and full. 
 I know it kinda weird that  im posting about Labels but it just came to mind what if you had a label on you what would it say. 
If I had a label mines would say 
"Caution handle with care!! Can brake Easily!!" 
If you had a label what would yours say!!