
Wednesday, 6 February 2013


A Label is defined as: 

A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.
To me everyone has a label on them just mean you can't really see them, But just think about it what if you could have a label and people can read them 
You would be able to see how to be and how that person should be handle.
Labels are put on item to avoid making a mess out of them or to protect important things from being harmed but sometimes labels can be use to say a lot about someone. 
Some people judge people by there labels or there name brand that they have on which I look at as being shallow and full. 
 I know it kinda weird that  im posting about Labels but it just came to mind what if you had a label on you what would it say. 
If I had a label mines would say 
"Caution handle with care!! Can brake Easily!!" 
If you had a label what would yours say!!  

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