
Thursday, 29 November 2012



There are many things that was said about me, and people called me a lot of hurtful things.
And for a moment in life I Believe them. You could say that words have an effect on me. I think what i  should say that words have away of affecting everyone.
There was A young lady living with us just recently. She had a problem with herself. She said
"im ugly"
My mom looked and her and ask her why she would say such a thing she said
 "Everyone says so"
I could never forget what my told her
"You are not ugly People just hate the fact that your better then then"
My mom came to me later and and told me that she wanted to cry when she hear what this young lady say that.
Im sure you know or  have been called something that  you didn't like.
   And if your like this young lady I  want to  say to  you.
"You are what you want to be, you are your kind of perfect. People will never like you Because are better then them. dream big, Live and love life to the fullest don't let anyone stop you form being  your best. Always wake up and look at the morning face as scary as it is and say my kind of perfect"  -Kendrew Glasgow

This week I had a hard time finding myself .
I was having a hard week and to make it worst i almost die. So i had some time to thing about my life.
 And i notice that i might not have the best things in life but im thankful for them.

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