
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day 1 : One day at a time!!

Today was interesting, its almost the middle of the year and i have just started working on my new year resolution. 
So at the beginning of the year like over 4 billion people living on this rock me call earth, i made a promise to myself to put me first and love hard also to always be nice to people. 
After about 24 hours or so like the rest 4 billion people living on this rock I'm in the 1 billion who  gave up. 
So today I final notice what i  did wrong!! I dreamed to big!! what i needed to do is to take it all one step at a time,sounds lame but the truth is that if your anything like me you quit the moment someone piss you off or you notice that its not possible. 
So as of today!! Imma be taking life one step at a time!!
 Ill tell you how that goes!! wish me luck my a quitter not a doer!! 
but other from that today is good! 
I am meeting new people and doing things  don't normally do!! 
I'm embracing the unknown one day at a time, and in a few mouths ill be fully into the unknown !! 
this is later till!! later!! mean in the morning!! meaning same time!! meaning i love you guys!! :D 

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