
Tuesday, 19 March 2013


The Oxford Dictionary Defines it as : " A 2 things one is the fact of having committed some offence or crime or a feeling that you are to blame for something".
I think the second one best tells how it is, to me Guilt is  feeling a so real.
Everyone has something they did that is shameful. but there is always a way things come out, the light come to the darkness.
Someone once said "Never stay in the darkness to long because life is a bitch and it always come back to bite you". i have to say that person is a wise person and if i remembered who they where i would acknowledge them but for now i don't know.

I saw this picture and i felt the emotion  of guilt, this picture tells a real story of  how you feel . The artist  who painted this did a really good job, you could feel the emotion behind the man eyes
I like to think that guilt has a face that is evil that face shows how bad guilt can just mess up someone's life, Guilt bring unhappiness and worry. 
I like to tell you all of my readers that guilt is the worst feeling any human has and had ever felt. So if you ever do something dont wait to  feel that awful feeling that hunts. Tell the truth always and if you find yourself lying  stop!! 

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