is to short to live it being grumpy or negative.
we need as ask ourselves one simple Question to find out the truth.
you fun to be around? , if the answer is no then you know that this post is for
you and others who are not sure what they are doing wrong in life.
many people put off there happiness Because of small things or they chose to
live the “soon as life”
I mean by the “soon as Life” is that they say things like “as soon as I get
that good job, I’ll start living or “as soon I lose 10 pounds ill start dating”
or as soon as I could drive I would leave him/ her”. What we fail to realize is
that we need to live in the now, be happy with what we have now and start living
in the now. If we can’t be happy with our present moment how can we be happy
with ourselves 10 pounds form now or with that dream job!! Now I’m not saying
that we shouldn’t have dreams. Dreams are what make us happy.
my little sister wakes up every morning I notice a smile on her face. I use to
ask myself why she was so happy all the time when she wakes up and after a few
days I got the answer. I understand that she was happy because she saw a new
day, a next moment to discover things she doesn’t know and learn all about the
things she never knew about.
14 mounts baby at that time teaches me that if we set the right tone for a good
happy bless day we will have a good day. Even
if someone punch me in the face I could walk away and still smile if I start my day with a
cup of Smile in the morning or if someone cut me off when im heading to work in
the morning I would be able to understand that it’s not the end of the world ,
life goes on.
think in this world today we all play the blame game, blaming others for our
unhappiness when the only person to be blame is ourselves. There are over 25
thousand reasons to be mad at the world today I know for a fact that people
will always look for a way to piss you off but it’s up ot you to walk away mad
find a mirror and remind yourself that your
happy and noting or no one can stop you from being just that!! HAPPY!!

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