
Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Day 4 "Removing Negative Labels"

In life people are always putting labels on us they tell us what we can and can't not do and this just drives me crazy and sometimes its okay.
One thing i noticed in life is that you can not stop people from labelling you but you can  remove them and make people see that they don't know you the way they think that they do. 

What some people don't know is that words are like seed if you put the words that people tell you, you become just that. 
People might call you fat, freak, Ugly , A failure, or lazy and so much more, but what do you call yourself, who are you, its not what's on the outside that matters its what's on the inside. 
when they call you fat remember your  happy just the way you are you might be a little or you might be honestly over weight  but  if you dont have a problem with that why should others. 
They might call you are freak but what they might find  freaky you might find normal or perfect.
 Some people have the nerve of calling some people Ugly, this just upsets me the most!! because what some people find ugly i find beautiful a masterpiece, i  think that no one is ugly but everyone is beautiful in there own way or  someone find that person just prefect. 

I could go on and on about how people are wrong. 
Don't let anyone label you and make you feel that you can't remove that negative label. 
If they tell you cant it doesn't mean that they are right, there is nothing wrong with trying.
wearing these people negative label is just one small stone in your path to your happiness!! 
start your day  right by putting thinking the right way!! 
your are perfect just the way you are!! 
Remove that  Negative label and Claim your happiness and hold on to it. 

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