
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Day 7 “Wrecked”

 The destruction of something or the remains of something.

Today while on the run to different places I notice all these people whose life where wrecked they once had it all but now all that they are the remains of empty vessels of the person, left to float around the place to eat the remains of people and things people would normally pass.

For some unknown reason I asked my dad when I was younger the story of one of the persons that I saw on the street and I could never forget the story behind the that lady that had the smell of ten contraction men, the story I hear cut me like a knife and made me want to  cry to be honest.

The story was that she fell in love with someone and they were married I believe and the guy just packed one day and left her for a next lady. The ladies was so heart broken and depress that she drunk. The saddest part of the story was that lady once had a successful life with everything anyone could have wanted in life but her downfall was her falling in love with the wrong person.

I choose to share the story to  tell you my readers that you should be careful with who  you love becase not everyone with  a cute smile is good news and if you happen to fall for someone and they end up leaving you that its not the end of the world there is no need to be wreck.

Shake It off and move on the truth is that there is someone out there for everyone out there so never give up on love or finding that someone, that person is out there looking for you as well. 

Monday, 29 April 2013

Day 6 “A Cup of Smile!”!

Life is to short to live it being grumpy or negative.

Sometime we need as ask ourselves one simple Question to find out the truth.
Are you fun to be around? , if the answer is no then you know that this post is for you and others who are not sure what they are doing wrong in life.

To many people put off there happiness Because of small things or they chose to live the “soon as life”
What I mean by the “soon as Life” is that they say things like “as soon as I get that good job, I’ll start living or “as soon I lose 10 pounds ill start dating” or as soon as I could drive I would leave him/ her”. What we fail to realize is that we need to live in the now, be happy with what we have now and start living in the now. If we can’t be happy with our present moment how can we be happy with ourselves 10 pounds form now or with that dream job!! Now I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have dreams. Dreams are what make us happy.
When my little sister wakes up every morning I notice a smile on her face. I use to ask myself why she was so happy all the time when she wakes up and after a few days I got the answer. I understand that she was happy because she saw a new day, a next moment to discover things she doesn’t know and learn all about the things she never knew about.

That 14 mounts baby at that time teaches me that if we set the right tone for a good happy bless day we will have a good day. Even  if someone punch me in the face I could walk away  and still smile if I start my day  with  a cup of Smile in the morning or if someone cut me off when im heading to work in the morning I would be able to understand that it’s not the end of the world , life goes on.

I think in this world today we all play the blame game, blaming others for our unhappiness when the only person to be blame is ourselves. There are over 25 thousand reasons to be mad at the world today I know for a fact that people will always look for a way to piss you off but it’s up ot you to walk away mad find a mirror and remind yourself that your  happy and noting or no one can stop you from being just that!! HAPPY!!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Day 5 "Becoming Radioactive"

I like that word radioactive, i think that the fact that the word means Deadly that screams love me here I am. 
Now the name of the post is becoming radioactive, what I mean is that i want t be so bad for you that you can't help but be radioactive as well. 
Now I'm not saying that I'm bad But I want my good to be so deadly for you that you cant help but be good yourself.

Your big heart opens up a little extra today, which could make life really awesome for those around you. See if you can get your friends to point you in a new direction -- you need variety!

today i noticed that i needed to be more humble thanks to some friends of minds also i notice that i  need to work harder an smiling being able to show the happiness i have on the inside on outside.  Braking out of this shy guy shell into this amazing radioactive  person who just lights up every time i walk into a room. 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Day 4 "Removing Negative Labels"

In life people are always putting labels on us they tell us what we can and can't not do and this just drives me crazy and sometimes its okay.
One thing i noticed in life is that you can not stop people from labelling you but you can  remove them and make people see that they don't know you the way they think that they do. 

What some people don't know is that words are like seed if you put the words that people tell you, you become just that. 
People might call you fat, freak, Ugly , A failure, or lazy and so much more, but what do you call yourself, who are you, its not what's on the outside that matters its what's on the inside. 
when they call you fat remember your  happy just the way you are you might be a little or you might be honestly over weight  but  if you dont have a problem with that why should others. 
They might call you are freak but what they might find  freaky you might find normal or perfect.
 Some people have the nerve of calling some people Ugly, this just upsets me the most!! because what some people find ugly i find beautiful a masterpiece, i  think that no one is ugly but everyone is beautiful in there own way or  someone find that person just prefect. 

I could go on and on about how people are wrong. 
Don't let anyone label you and make you feel that you can't remove that negative label. 
If they tell you cant it doesn't mean that they are right, there is nothing wrong with trying.
wearing these people negative label is just one small stone in your path to your happiness!! 
start your day  right by putting thinking the right way!! 
your are perfect just the way you are!! 
Remove that  Negative label and Claim your happiness and hold on to it. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Day 3 "Becoming a Fire Stater"

For Years Fire Fighters has taken out fires started by someone or something. 
Today I will Enforcing the important of starting fires that Can not under any situation be put out. 

Becoming a fire starter is all about setting people on fire and leaving them to burn. 
I know what your thinking "oh my Drew has  lost it" but read me out before you  click the close button on the top  right of your page. 
I'm not talking about setting some one fire for real but inspiring   someone so much that they want to do the same to another person hence i use the term starting a fire.
Thank about it today you just smile at one person and you might not know it but you can make that person's day. 
It's not rocket science its just a smile or just saying good morning to someone. 
It only take one spark to start a fire, it all starts with use one person just smiling or saying good day or Good Morning to change  this selfish world we are living in, to this state where everyone is happy with life. 

Monday, 22 April 2013

Day 2 "RE-defining Me"

Today I noticed that, I define myself Wrongly. 
I'm sure we all have done that, define  ourself by what we said or do. 
It take something or someone to do something to you yo change who you are.

                                       We are not what we do we are who we want to be, just because i write don't make me a Writer.
I'm just someone who likes to write for fun.

Who you are is a huge thing to people today, because everyone likes to know that they are someone are somebody that is important.

I am drew, I am me and that's who       ...........................................I am

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Unconditional Love

A love without an end!! 
A love that a mother should have for its child or God has for man. 
But is it Possible to have this love for someone else. 

I honestly don't know what it is about being in love that makes you feel so High but it does!! But nothing can beat the feeling and  when you think of a love that make you feel a little part of heaven it makes loving someone seem so right when it could be so wrong.
Writing this post is a learning Experience for me.
Unconditional love is define as: 
A  known as affection without any limitations. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love, or "mother's love."

I just want to  say that if this definition is what defines Unconditional love i want that kind of love. The things is that i know the bound me and my mom has and i want that bound with someone. That feeling to know that you can count on someone to be there for you is endless and that's the feeling i want with someone and hope to find with someone. 

Every mother hate to see there kids leave there home they worry i want that to happen to me in a relationship.  

In closing i would like to leave you with the words of ― Vera NazarianThe Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

“Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:
1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation
Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart.
Which, by the way, is something highly inadvisable. Think about it — do you really want to live in a world of only two dimensions?
So, for the love of a triangle, please keep love whole.” 

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Broken Child = Broken Life

The well known saying is  true "you are what you  Eat"
Not saying that if you eat a hot-dog you would turn into one just saying that the affect it has on you is right.
The name of the post had to do with the saying i mention above but its turned a little different.
"Broken Child Equals Broken life"
When kids are small its up to the parent to Develop this  stepping stone to turn them into strong individuals.
85% of kids in broken home might turn out to be good individuals because they know that everything in life comes hard and they have to work hard for what they want.
But what about the emotional damage that some of the kids get that are not taken into consideration and that person lives with until they grown or they  have breakdown.
This block post is for everyone because some day or the other we are going to be left in care of someone child or we ourself might have kids of our own and we need to know that " that kid/children is what you feel him/her"
So try your best to tell your child or anyone child you come into contact with all the positive you see in them Because what you tell them from when they are small is what they would grow up to become in the long run.