
Thursday, 12 September 2013

What If..!!

We all have moments when we ask WHAT IF..
 I win 1 million Dollars?.... WHAT IF..
she doesn't love me?..... WHAT IF..
I die tonight or today????????

I think it's one of these things that makes us humans to questions things in our life. I honestly think if we didn't think or have what if moments life would be a wrecking ball of mess, with people doing things that don't make logic sense. 
Lets be real now, many times  we wanted to do something real stupid and we had a "what if.." moment that make  us stop and think. 
There was this day when I used to think back of all the moments I messed up and think and say  WHAT IF..
I did this or Change that, these are the moments when I made myself feel sick, because I was trying to change something that Couldn't  be change. I was Holding on to a pass memories  that I could not change because life doesn't come with a option to fix your pass or better it. 

I am one of those people that think that everything happen for a reason.


So what if your parents didn't break up? Would they be happy together? Would you be comfortable with them fighting?

So what if you did go all the way with your now Ex-boyfriend? Would he still be around? or  what if you wait would that be such a bad thing?
So what if you wasn't bullied? would you still be the person you are today? would life be better.

Now guys what I'm trying to say is there are always going to be "What If.."and moments when you question things in your life but the main thing is that you remember to live in the now not in the what if moment. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Roller Coaster Tuesday

I Know that what I'm about to talk about everyone can relate to it,Because its life on a hold. 
One day your loving life and the other day you don't see the point in life because your having a really bad day. 

Its fair to say that life is not always a bed of roses and that not everyday can be like the day before and lets be 100% honest with ourselves  if life was the same everyday we wouldn't enjoy it one bit. 

Just last week it rained almost all week and it was a very say and dull day for me at work since it rained and no one seem to come into the store i work which mean I'm just sitting there for a long time doing noting. Now there are things for me to do when this happens but because it was raining the place was way to cold and i was in a very bad spot to dare to move. 
I was about to mark this day down as one of the worst they of the week when i remembered that i have some reading to do so I started reading and lets say a few hours later what was to be a bad day turned around to be one of the best day's i had at work. 

I think this picture says it all for me in one caption. 
Now I want you to think 2 times when your having a bad day, Do you want to have one?.
The truth is that you have the power to  control how your day goes.


Monday, 9 September 2013

Why I love Mondays!!

Normally people would list all the things they hate about Mondays for example : 
1. Back to work or school 
2.The end of the weekend. 
3. Its to far from Friday. 
and so much more reasons. 
 I honestly see nothing wrong with Mondays its another day I'm given life to do the things i couldn't yesterday. 
Its like this picture we all see things in a different way, but the truth is that Mondays mean that your just 4 days away form the weekend. Don't think because its the first day of  school or work,that you should be the  cup that thinks that the liquid inside of it is piss. 
If you set yourselves up for a crappy day or a half empty week that's what your going to get. 
Find a reason to love Mondays.
I love Mondays because it's one step closer to Tuesday which mean i get to write another blog post for you guys again. 
I Love Mondays because it means i get to wake up and see another day in my life. 
I Love Mondays Because I Can love Mondays!! That just life. 


Sunday, 8 September 2013

This the week!!!

This week I'm going to be posting!! 
Prepare yourself for a week full of Amazing post!!
I hope  

Who is ready for a week full of awesomeness!!! 

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Coming Back!!

Hello my name is Kendrew I have always been this person but for some reason I feel the need to reintroduce myself to you guys once again. I think the reason feel the need to do so, is due to the fact that i haven't been writing lately about what going on in my life and telling you guys how to get by in life when it knocks you done, for that I am truly sorry to you my readers. Sometimes in life you just run out of words to say but hopefully this my way of coming back to you guys but in  a hold new and different way. This time I'm going to get a little personal and tell you about my everyday life and how I Handel them.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Day 13:"Not Forgotten"

Good Day All, 
So Today I continue the Picture is worth a thousand words Part of this week, which is me showing a collage and telling you the story behind of the pictures in the collage. 

Not forgotten 

I call this one not forgotten, which is the name of this blog post because this is the time of my life i loved and will cherish the most for a while to come.
This was the moment in my life that i found out that I really like to  travel and see the world. There isn't much to talk about in this picture just some places i see and the way i  felt about the places in see and the people i  met. 
The first picture with me in the white shades was me just reaching New York I don't know why but i just felt liking taking that  picture and posting it there is no sad moment or reason behind the picture its just a picture. The next one is the sunset In St Thomas, when i saw that for some reason i felt as if something new was happening to as if i  could have take and control anything that happened in my life i felt peace. The sunset is still unknown to me why i  felt like that but i want to think its because i was spiritual connected with myself.
The next picture is the picture of 2 elephant the guy at the zoo said that they have been together for 20 or 50 years I'm not sure but i could remember the one thing that click in my head. I was sitting at the zoo and thinking how i want love like these elephants endless they had been together almost all there life and they still loved each other, the  reason i could say that is because i felt the love coming from them and when you look at the it make you want feel as if that they had something that i  didn't have.
I think that i here someone sad that water means life and that's why the next picture of the water  and the guy standing there is where its at, the book with the highlight page is/are verses i read and found them of great importance in my stage of life at that point.
The Tree show Something old but with age come wisdom and that's what i think i  found on my journey in this point of my life.
The three shadows are just that 3 shadow there no double meaning in that and the last picture is me when i  got back home form my travels.
Sometimes life has to take you where is want to  takes you in order for you to learn stuff and discover what life wants for you, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. Now I'm not saying that there isn't going to be speed bumps in the way and bird mess, but as long as you look at the bright side of everything you will make it and you shall find a good life and when you do, do not forget the pass. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

DAY 12: "LUCKY ME"!!

I know i have said it ton of times before but i just want to say it again!! "Life is to short to not show your love”. Live in the in case, we honestly never know how long we have we can be here today and gone in a blink of an eye!!
We have this thing where we think that we are just here because we can. We never think of those people who didn't get the chance to have the things we have, things like heart pain and family. We complain about everything!

Just shut your complaining for once some people never have the chance to have a family or even live to have heart pain!!
We are all lucky that we have life right now!! Lucky you that you lived to see and read this blog post!! Lucky you, you got a job while some people don't!! Lucky you, you got to have your mom yell at you while someone else which there's was a live!!

I just want to say how lucky i am that I have all the pains i have in my life!! LUCKY ME!! My pain and sorry or things I Have that seem pointless in my life are there for a reason!!
What are you lucky you have today?? Be honest list the pain in your life!! Let  me know how lucky you are by posting a comment or emailing!!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Day 11: "Pictures that tell my Story"

They say a picture say a thousand words and to be honest my pictures do just that. 
They  use over a thousand words to tell the story of what happens to be me.
This week ill be showing some pictures of me and be telling the story behind them all, you will see some interesting ways I put my pictures and find out a little how my head works.
                                                                              Lost and Found

I call this picture lost and Found.
If you take time and look at the picture you would notice that there are a lot of elements that just doesn't fit in this collage. what I'm talking about is colorful lighting and the flower like color patter show the purple and orange, green, yellow and blue. That shows that at that moment in my life i  was lost and confuse about whats going on around me in my life and the lighting meaning that this confusion  was upsetting me. 
The two books you see in the picture is the Book of Mormon and the Bible the two things that where there for me when i needed them the most at that stage of my life.

The two small pictures of me on a CD cover shows that something happened to me at the stage of my life i  discovered a part of me that was there during all of my anger and confusion. I learned that i was a good writer of songs and poems. I had become an artist, something that no one would know about but something that was there that i found. 
The picture of me with the guitar partly and the car means that i  was on the road to grow and find out more about myself even if it means me losing more of what i  know now. The last big picture of myself  shows the end of one journey of my life it was the night of my graduation dinner. 

To be honest this point of my life was one of the hardest time in my life, i did and learn a lot of  things. 
But one of the most important thing i learned was the love of my family they where there when my life seem ever so over. 
looking back at this picture now one thing keeps running in my head, How lucky i am to have gotten a family and most importantly how lucky i am that i had my mom to be my rock when i gave up. 
I just want to  say to my readers no matter how much your family might have messed up or just seem to be a pain to your life, be glad you have them. Friends, relationship and people might come and go but family will be there forever no matter how much you mess up, even if they say they don't  want to have anything to do with you, they will always love and miss you.  

Monday, 13 May 2013

Day 10 "The Girl With the perfect Smile"

I know what your thinking if you read the story about the girl in the hoodie Yesterday that i  sure i'm writing a lot about girls but the truth is that i  choose to  right about this one person Because we got close and if it was up to me we would have still been close all now. 
Now the Girl with the perfect Smile was a girl at my school. She was this very special person not in the that she was some one i loved or anything but in the way  she looked at life. 
She would  tell you what you should be thinking, she would look me the eye and tell me i can to it and she will  also  convince me  that i  could.
The girl with the perfect smile was Spanish, she was short and she just seem to always have the perfect smile to me when i see her even if she was having  a bad day. 
But must of my stories you would notice have this one element that makes you wounder if i  only remember sad moments in life. 
She got some really bad news the same time i did and she took it way better than  i  did but in the end it ended bad for her. 
I know it hard for me to explain what happened but im going to try doing this with limited detail Due to the fact that i  did not get permission to write this story about her. 
We both got super close after the bad news mostly because we where the only two that really understood what each other was going through and when i found out that this friend didn't make it, i honestly didn't want to  live. 
I had formed this bound with this girl that i couldnt have done anything but cry for days and be sad. It became so Bad for me that i had my mom call and fake sickness because i  wasn't sure i  could have endure to the end of that state of my life knowing that someone who  was there for me during my hard times didn't make it. 
It took me forever to get over that fact that things happen in life and the main thing is to be happy for myself and the help of my best friend to shake the fact that this was life now get over it. 

The reason why i  share this story is because i learned and important Lesson at this point of my life that sometime you try and you may think happy and good thoughts and not make it but life goes on you can't keep dwelling on the moment you mess up or the moment that things didn't go your way . 
You have to pres forward and endure to the end and that's what the girl with the perfect smile did after things didn't work out the way  she wanted,she moved on.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Day 9 “The Girl with the black Hoodie”

For the rest of the week I  will be sharing stories of people all round me and your relationship.
So for the next 3 day you would be hearing stories of people in my life but I would be sharing them in an interesting way. I will not be calling any names ill call them by something that was around or something that stands out about these person. The girl with the black hoodie is the first story.

The girl in the black hoodie was one of the first girl I saw cry and hurt with when she was hurt. She was this young and free spirited person with this smile that you would swear was from an angel. She had this way of saying things and making me do things that I would never seem to be wrong once she said it.  I know it sounds like I was in love with this person and the truth is that once I did like her but I’m not sure if I would call it love she was just a friend.

There was this night that the girl in the black hoodie thought that she was losing someone that she love so much and that she couldn't live without.  She had her black hoody on and that night was a so cold and but the moon was up bright and the stars where so bright. But something wasn't there that night her smile in its place  was the tears she had on her face.

It was the first time I saw how a girl handle heart break it was  such  a sad moment for me and its one memory that reminds in my head all the time whenever I  happen to  run into this person or go to  my closet for something her black hoodie is there looking at me.

She took this  heart pain hard reason being that the next day she was suffering from a hangover and I was there to catch her tears and pick up the pieces that where left there by some asshole of a boyfriend.  To be honest I never share this story with anyone because I never felt the need to  share it due to the fact that its one of the reason I said that I  didn’t want love because it can’t bring out the worst and best in all of us.

The girl in the black  hoodie was looking for more than just a guy to love she was looking for someone to spend the rest of her life with but the guy wasn’t he was looking for a good time.And that why I truly believe that love hurt the most when you love some because of the girl in the black  hoodie.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Day 7 “Wrecked”

 The destruction of something or the remains of something.

Today while on the run to different places I notice all these people whose life where wrecked they once had it all but now all that they are the remains of empty vessels of the person, left to float around the place to eat the remains of people and things people would normally pass.

For some unknown reason I asked my dad when I was younger the story of one of the persons that I saw on the street and I could never forget the story behind the that lady that had the smell of ten contraction men, the story I hear cut me like a knife and made me want to  cry to be honest.

The story was that she fell in love with someone and they were married I believe and the guy just packed one day and left her for a next lady. The ladies was so heart broken and depress that she drunk. The saddest part of the story was that lady once had a successful life with everything anyone could have wanted in life but her downfall was her falling in love with the wrong person.

I choose to share the story to  tell you my readers that you should be careful with who  you love becase not everyone with  a cute smile is good news and if you happen to fall for someone and they end up leaving you that its not the end of the world there is no need to be wreck.

Shake It off and move on the truth is that there is someone out there for everyone out there so never give up on love or finding that someone, that person is out there looking for you as well. 

Monday, 29 April 2013

Day 6 “A Cup of Smile!”!

Life is to short to live it being grumpy or negative.

Sometime we need as ask ourselves one simple Question to find out the truth.
Are you fun to be around? , if the answer is no then you know that this post is for you and others who are not sure what they are doing wrong in life.

To many people put off there happiness Because of small things or they chose to live the “soon as life”
What I mean by the “soon as Life” is that they say things like “as soon as I get that good job, I’ll start living or “as soon I lose 10 pounds ill start dating” or as soon as I could drive I would leave him/ her”. What we fail to realize is that we need to live in the now, be happy with what we have now and start living in the now. If we can’t be happy with our present moment how can we be happy with ourselves 10 pounds form now or with that dream job!! Now I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have dreams. Dreams are what make us happy.
When my little sister wakes up every morning I notice a smile on her face. I use to ask myself why she was so happy all the time when she wakes up and after a few days I got the answer. I understand that she was happy because she saw a new day, a next moment to discover things she doesn’t know and learn all about the things she never knew about.

That 14 mounts baby at that time teaches me that if we set the right tone for a good happy bless day we will have a good day. Even  if someone punch me in the face I could walk away  and still smile if I start my day  with  a cup of Smile in the morning or if someone cut me off when im heading to work in the morning I would be able to understand that it’s not the end of the world , life goes on.

I think in this world today we all play the blame game, blaming others for our unhappiness when the only person to be blame is ourselves. There are over 25 thousand reasons to be mad at the world today I know for a fact that people will always look for a way to piss you off but it’s up ot you to walk away mad find a mirror and remind yourself that your  happy and noting or no one can stop you from being just that!! HAPPY!!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Day 5 "Becoming Radioactive"

I like that word radioactive, i think that the fact that the word means Deadly that screams love me here I am. 
Now the name of the post is becoming radioactive, what I mean is that i want t be so bad for you that you can't help but be radioactive as well. 
Now I'm not saying that I'm bad But I want my good to be so deadly for you that you cant help but be good yourself.

Your big heart opens up a little extra today, which could make life really awesome for those around you. See if you can get your friends to point you in a new direction -- you need variety!

today i noticed that i needed to be more humble thanks to some friends of minds also i notice that i  need to work harder an smiling being able to show the happiness i have on the inside on outside.  Braking out of this shy guy shell into this amazing radioactive  person who just lights up every time i walk into a room. 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Day 4 "Removing Negative Labels"

In life people are always putting labels on us they tell us what we can and can't not do and this just drives me crazy and sometimes its okay.
One thing i noticed in life is that you can not stop people from labelling you but you can  remove them and make people see that they don't know you the way they think that they do. 

What some people don't know is that words are like seed if you put the words that people tell you, you become just that. 
People might call you fat, freak, Ugly , A failure, or lazy and so much more, but what do you call yourself, who are you, its not what's on the outside that matters its what's on the inside. 
when they call you fat remember your  happy just the way you are you might be a little or you might be honestly over weight  but  if you dont have a problem with that why should others. 
They might call you are freak but what they might find  freaky you might find normal or perfect.
 Some people have the nerve of calling some people Ugly, this just upsets me the most!! because what some people find ugly i find beautiful a masterpiece, i  think that no one is ugly but everyone is beautiful in there own way or  someone find that person just prefect. 

I could go on and on about how people are wrong. 
Don't let anyone label you and make you feel that you can't remove that negative label. 
If they tell you cant it doesn't mean that they are right, there is nothing wrong with trying.
wearing these people negative label is just one small stone in your path to your happiness!! 
start your day  right by putting thinking the right way!! 
your are perfect just the way you are!! 
Remove that  Negative label and Claim your happiness and hold on to it. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Day 3 "Becoming a Fire Stater"

For Years Fire Fighters has taken out fires started by someone or something. 
Today I will Enforcing the important of starting fires that Can not under any situation be put out. 

Becoming a fire starter is all about setting people on fire and leaving them to burn. 
I know what your thinking "oh my Drew has  lost it" but read me out before you  click the close button on the top  right of your page. 
I'm not talking about setting some one fire for real but inspiring   someone so much that they want to do the same to another person hence i use the term starting a fire.
Thank about it today you just smile at one person and you might not know it but you can make that person's day. 
It's not rocket science its just a smile or just saying good morning to someone. 
It only take one spark to start a fire, it all starts with use one person just smiling or saying good day or Good Morning to change  this selfish world we are living in, to this state where everyone is happy with life. 

Monday, 22 April 2013

Day 2 "RE-defining Me"

Today I noticed that, I define myself Wrongly. 
I'm sure we all have done that, define  ourself by what we said or do. 
It take something or someone to do something to you yo change who you are.

                                       We are not what we do we are who we want to be, just because i write don't make me a Writer.
I'm just someone who likes to write for fun.

Who you are is a huge thing to people today, because everyone likes to know that they are someone are somebody that is important.

I am drew, I am me and that's who       ...........................................I am

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Unconditional Love

A love without an end!! 
A love that a mother should have for its child or God has for man. 
But is it Possible to have this love for someone else. 

I honestly don't know what it is about being in love that makes you feel so High but it does!! But nothing can beat the feeling and  when you think of a love that make you feel a little part of heaven it makes loving someone seem so right when it could be so wrong.
Writing this post is a learning Experience for me.
Unconditional love is define as: 
A  known as affection without any limitations. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love, or "mother's love."

I just want to  say that if this definition is what defines Unconditional love i want that kind of love. The things is that i know the bound me and my mom has and i want that bound with someone. That feeling to know that you can count on someone to be there for you is endless and that's the feeling i want with someone and hope to find with someone. 

Every mother hate to see there kids leave there home they worry i want that to happen to me in a relationship.  

In closing i would like to leave you with the words of ― Vera NazarianThe Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

“Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:
1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation
Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart.
Which, by the way, is something highly inadvisable. Think about it — do you really want to live in a world of only two dimensions?
So, for the love of a triangle, please keep love whole.” 

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Broken Child = Broken Life

The well known saying is  true "you are what you  Eat"
Not saying that if you eat a hot-dog you would turn into one just saying that the affect it has on you is right.
The name of the post had to do with the saying i mention above but its turned a little different.
"Broken Child Equals Broken life"
When kids are small its up to the parent to Develop this  stepping stone to turn them into strong individuals.
85% of kids in broken home might turn out to be good individuals because they know that everything in life comes hard and they have to work hard for what they want.
But what about the emotional damage that some of the kids get that are not taken into consideration and that person lives with until they grown or they  have breakdown.
This block post is for everyone because some day or the other we are going to be left in care of someone child or we ourself might have kids of our own and we need to know that " that kid/children is what you feel him/her"
So try your best to tell your child or anyone child you come into contact with all the positive you see in them Because what you tell them from when they are small is what they would grow up to become in the long run.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day 1 : One day at a time!!

Today was interesting, its almost the middle of the year and i have just started working on my new year resolution. 
So at the beginning of the year like over 4 billion people living on this rock me call earth, i made a promise to myself to put me first and love hard also to always be nice to people. 
After about 24 hours or so like the rest 4 billion people living on this rock I'm in the 1 billion who  gave up. 
So today I final notice what i  did wrong!! I dreamed to big!! what i needed to do is to take it all one step at a time,sounds lame but the truth is that if your anything like me you quit the moment someone piss you off or you notice that its not possible. 
So as of today!! Imma be taking life one step at a time!!
 Ill tell you how that goes!! wish me luck my a quitter not a doer!! 
but other from that today is good! 
I am meeting new people and doing things  don't normally do!! 
I'm embracing the unknown one day at a time, and in a few mouths ill be fully into the unknown !! 
this is later till!! later!! mean in the morning!! meaning same time!! meaning i love you guys!! :D 

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Saying Hello!!

Hello is normally the first thing someone says when they meet someone new!! 
That hello sets the tone for the friendship and how it is gonna be and what will happen right after. 
For me Hello is the key that would open doors and change my life forever.
So I know i have said this before but i started this blog when i was alone and really need someone to talk to 
I know that if people read it, i might never know who it is or where there form but i know someone would hear me so that's the reason for my blog.

A lot has changed since i started this blog last year and i have grown a lot as a person.
I have learned a lot from what i write and found out a lot  about what has been on my mind.
and for that I'm am more than over joyed. 
I have Changed for that Teenage boy who wanted to be heard and was Afraid of messing up or doing something so bad that it can't be fixed, to a person who see life as an endless river going on and on, and for me it all started with me saying Hello to the Unknown.
The saddest thing about saying hello to the unknown is the fear of the unknown itself the fact that it is out there and its all up to you find it or make it.
I honestly hated when people around would look at people and say that person is trying to find themselves in this world.
The reason I hated the saying is that there is nothing to find in the world,  What people should say is that that person is trying to make themselves  something in this world.  
Seeing that I'm about to start a new chapter in my life and I will have to move on and leaving you my readers and friends behind.
This is my hello to say goodbye!! 
I just want to thank each one of you who read my blog and made me notice and help me make myself into the person I am.
this isn't my last blog post but its my official blog post saying that I'm ready to move on!! 
I'm ready to go fully into the unknown and watch it take me where ever it wants to take me!! 
Form this point on my blog post are going to be a little different. 
and so is my blogs name the site would stay the same there would just be a name change!! 
thanks a ton for reading!! guys and i hope you like the Final chapter of  my mind before i move on.



Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Somebody I use to Know!

I'm sure you all have Know the Song 

This song have Everything to do with this blog post but I feel the need to mention it. You know when you use to know someone that you use to know so well and then you see them 2 or 3 years after and they don't know you its a sad moment when you think and remember all the things that you use to do with that person, or that one moment you guys shared.
 No I'm not talking about someone I dated or someone I had a crush on. I'm just talking about a person, a friend. I didn't really remember them until I saw them but I had that feeling of lost.

The moment when you notice that time you to share is gone.
I'm not really sure how I feel about that this moment I'm writing this but my mom has this quote she use to always shared with me when we moved or change places or schools. "Make new Friends Keep the old one sliver the other gold"!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


The Oxford Dictionary Defines it as : " A 2 things one is the fact of having committed some offence or crime or a feeling that you are to blame for something".
I think the second one best tells how it is, to me Guilt is  feeling a so real.
Everyone has something they did that is shameful. but there is always a way things come out, the light come to the darkness.
Someone once said "Never stay in the darkness to long because life is a bitch and it always come back to bite you". i have to say that person is a wise person and if i remembered who they where i would acknowledge them but for now i don't know.

I saw this picture and i felt the emotion  of guilt, this picture tells a real story of  how you feel . The artist  who painted this did a really good job, you could feel the emotion behind the man eyes
I like to think that guilt has a face that is evil that face shows how bad guilt can just mess up someone's life, Guilt bring unhappiness and worry. 
I like to tell you all of my readers that guilt is the worst feeling any human has and had ever felt. So if you ever do something dont wait to  feel that awful feeling that hunts. Tell the truth always and if you find yourself lying  stop!! 

Monday, 18 March 2013

Life isn't Fair

To be honest that one line can change ones outlook at life. That one factual statement can make someone into somebody or brake them into a nobody,but it all depends on how the persons choose to look at the statement.

To me and to be real with you and my readers that one statement speaks of life and what's its always about.
Once we as human get that one statement down pack in your thick Skull we should be able to make it in life. Its a fact!
Here is why i could make that statement and mean it to heart.
1. Once you understand that life isn't fair you know that its every person for themselves, People would Either hate you or love you and even then you cant trust no one.
2. When you understand that life isn't fair you could better understand wrong form right, knowing that life isn't fair sets the bases for good things in life.
 Life  isnt fair for a lot of reasons that would take way to long for me mention....well not really I'm just having a writers block  So imma just tell you this: Life might not be fair but its up to you to make the best of it and do what you to fight or flight.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Keep the Love just give me some Liquor.

I sure that everyone and anyone i know has had one of these relationship.
A relationship that is Bad for you but your in it!! 

Keep the love Just give me some Liquor  is a poem i wrote. that i  feel the need to share with you guys and share the back story behind it. 
You can blame it in the rum,
I like the feeling that comes when it 
the Burn is comfort. 
Fire hurts, love pains.
Keep the love just give me some liquor,
At  least I know what the liquor and its risk. 
Pour me one or two shot, Let me drink and pay for it later. 
The hangover would keep off the love you poured me the last time.
Black and white like a dog. 
Now a fire work like the high form weed,
But this time ill take the liquor.
Keep the love Just give me some Liquor. 
By: Kendrew Glasgow

I wrote this a few Years  back when i dated this girl who was bad for me but i  didn't want to  admit it. 
She had me do some things that i  would never do and she turned me weird! 
So i  want to tell you guys don't wait until someone mess you up or something bad happen for you to learn. 
If you know your in  a toxic relationship, 
get out of it!! 
Better safe than sorry!!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

What i Leaned form Pinocchio!!

Once a twice in my life i like to look back at things that happen to me. 
Today I was reading a book to my sister and i notice something. 
That this book i was reading was the stepping stone to my little 2 Year old sisters Future.
I was Reading 

The V8 moment happen to me and made me notice that the power of believing can change someone's very 
Its kinda weird to look at Pinocchio as  but just think about it for a moment. 
1. Pinocchio had a father and someone who loves him very much just like we as people does. And like pinocchio we are all looking for something from life, For Pincochio it was to be a real boy for some of us it moist me something more...for me its finding my place in this world. 
2. Believing
That one  word can change the very person we are. Just like Pinocchio. If we to Believe  in something it can happen.

I know what your think you just sat there and read this crap about how this fairy tale Change things in peoples life but even if you didnt get it i want to share it.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Hey There Delilah

There is this song that came out a few years ago call "Plain White T's - "Hey There Delilah"
Which happens to be the name of this blog post today!! 

The song is about this girl who is far away and how he misses her and how he cant get her off his mind cuz of what she did to him. 
I'm Writing this Because everyone has there Delilah in there life. 
That person doesn't have to be far away,but its that feeling you have for that person that gives you this rush that makes you feel so good about yourself.
 And then you and this person drifting apart even when you don't it to happen.

I like to think of this feeling like this:
Picture this, 
Your this really fat person or you have this problem that makes you seem as if no one would want you and then this person who you never would think that would every be interesting in you comes along and it happens. 
You fell in love with your Delilah. But them something happens and that person have to go far away and leave you all alone.
and your left to listen to crappy love song or brake song  and wish that person was still there. 
I just want to say that 
I know that feeling and it suck! 
but the saddest thing to sit around and watch this person slip away if you loved that person you should let something...such as distance or what ever reason get in your way of that feeling you have for that person. 
If you love that person the only person standing in your way of you and your love is YOU!! Get up!! Be real and Get her/ him back!!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

A place for the Broken

A place for the broken. 
When I started my blog is Was Because I was broken. 
                          I want to be heard and I want people to know what's on my mind. 
It was a time when I had something to say and I wanted someone to hear it,I wanted someone to ask me how I was doing? or if I was having a good day??
I writing this and tell you guys cause sometime I know that everyone has that moment in life when they want someone
to say "hi" or ask "how they are doing" and we as humans seem so busy with our own lives that we fail to notice anyone Around us.
So it's been a while since I blog and I know you guys have noticed cause some of you have send me emails asking me what's up?!.
I haven't been blogging cause I have been running. I have been running away form life, It all seem to happen so fast before I would seem finish this blog post something new has happen and something else has change!
But the funny thing is with life is that it's to fast to run away from.
So I just want to tell you guys that I'm gonna start posting blog post again.. And if I ever feel like I'm going to stop posting for a while ill post! Cuz it's not fair for me to have readers check everyday for post and there's none!!
And I want you guys to know that running away from your problems isn't the wisest thing to do cause your problems or what your running away from has a way of catching up to you!! Just try to stick around see what happens play out your role in your own life and see where it leads you life isn't fair but it up to you to make the best of it!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


A Label is defined as: 

A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.
To me everyone has a label on them just mean you can't really see them, But just think about it what if you could have a label and people can read them 
You would be able to see how to be and how that person should be handle.
Labels are put on item to avoid making a mess out of them or to protect important things from being harmed but sometimes labels can be use to say a lot about someone. 
Some people judge people by there labels or there name brand that they have on which I look at as being shallow and full. 
 I know it kinda weird that  im posting about Labels but it just came to mind what if you had a label on you what would it say. 
If I had a label mines would say 
"Caution handle with care!! Can brake Easily!!" 
If you had a label what would yours say!!  

Monday, 14 January 2013

The Joy of teenage Sex!!

Lets be real and talk Sex Again Guys. 
I have decided to talk about sex more often to you guys Cuz you Guys really need to  educate yourself about the Dangers of Having Sex before Marriage or In some of you guys Case why it is important to  Wrap it up! 

So lets Talk about the many joys of having Sex!! 
It is so much fun to have sex enjoy it and then for a girl to get pregnant. I mean who  wouldn't like dropping out of school, having there boyfriend Brake up with them and for most disgracing there family!! Trust me we all should make A fool out ourself by have sex before time. 
I know what your saying "But I use A condom" well good for you know how to put a condom on you should get a award for knowing that much in life. 
What about when the condom brakes or after the sex?? what happens then?? 
Well have Sex to  find out why that dude you had sex with leave you after and the ackword moment after when you both can't look at each other or the whole "i think im pregnant line" that makes you almost shit yourself. 
Yeah but that not the fun part!!  getting a STI or STD for the not so smart guys STI means Sexually Transmitted Infection, lets hope you know what STD means cuz if you don't know your in some deep trouble.  
okay let me not be A fun sucker!! 
Let me talk about the Negative Effect of waiting until marriage  to have sex. 
1. Respect!! Yeah I mean have repect for the person your gonna be with for the rest of your life really sucks.
2.It more fun that way!! Oh wow how is waiting fun!! Just think about it!! its more fun cuz you both decided to wait till marriage to have sex!! 
3. Worrying !! there is no worrying if your gonna get someone pregnant!! and all that Jazz!! 
                                              Use a condom and you can both enjoy it more. Joke!!  Just Wait!! 

Sunday, 13 January 2013

That change!! that switch!!

Sometime you look at yourself and see the change I mean for me I have change a huge deal form a baby to a kid then a teen and how an adult!! Just yesterday I was looking at some pic of myself and I realized that I love the person I have become. I don't have everything in life but I have life!!
It's okay for me to say I'm weird!! I have gone through every faze there is out there and I could say that I'm one odd potato..
I just wanted to take time our to say that change is your bitch and you have to be the owner of it and turn it into this person you want it to be!!
I mean a lot of people have this thing in there mind that people have to find them-self in life, that not true,your not finding yourself your making yourself and all that jazz people tell you about how you can't you can!! Trust me I have been told a lot of things, look at me Im writing a blog and I have dreams!!
I'm not one to boost but it up to you to stand out, be all up in that persons face who ever told you can't it's a new year!! it's a new you!! Fight don't run away life may seem unfair!! That's life!!!
I not gonna tell anyone of you that life can get fair it's not gonna get fair!! It up to you to make it in your life!
There is this show I watch!! The man in the show would say when life hands you crap "flip that switch" I mean the writers of this show did a good job at making it one to remember!!
So I want to tell you guys to "flip that switch"
Just think about life is like a switch you the one in charge you can change it!!
I would like to wake up everyday and flip that switch when I'm having a bad day!!
Okay I want you guys to drop me a comment on what you would like to flip that switch on in life!!
Tell me what you want to start liking in life what you want to start to change in life!!!