
Thursday 12 September 2013

What If..!!

We all have moments when we ask WHAT IF..
 I win 1 million Dollars?.... WHAT IF..
she doesn't love me?..... WHAT IF..
I die tonight or today????????

I think it's one of these things that makes us humans to questions things in our life. I honestly think if we didn't think or have what if moments life would be a wrecking ball of mess, with people doing things that don't make logic sense. 
Lets be real now, many times  we wanted to do something real stupid and we had a "what if.." moment that make  us stop and think. 
There was this day when I used to think back of all the moments I messed up and think and say  WHAT IF..
I did this or Change that, these are the moments when I made myself feel sick, because I was trying to change something that Couldn't  be change. I was Holding on to a pass memories  that I could not change because life doesn't come with a option to fix your pass or better it. 

I am one of those people that think that everything happen for a reason.


So what if your parents didn't break up? Would they be happy together? Would you be comfortable with them fighting?

So what if you did go all the way with your now Ex-boyfriend? Would he still be around? or  what if you wait would that be such a bad thing?
So what if you wasn't bullied? would you still be the person you are today? would life be better.

Now guys what I'm trying to say is there are always going to be "What If.."and moments when you question things in your life but the main thing is that you remember to live in the now not in the what if moment. 

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Roller Coaster Tuesday

I Know that what I'm about to talk about everyone can relate to it,Because its life on a hold. 
One day your loving life and the other day you don't see the point in life because your having a really bad day. 

Its fair to say that life is not always a bed of roses and that not everyday can be like the day before and lets be 100% honest with ourselves  if life was the same everyday we wouldn't enjoy it one bit. 

Just last week it rained almost all week and it was a very say and dull day for me at work since it rained and no one seem to come into the store i work which mean I'm just sitting there for a long time doing noting. Now there are things for me to do when this happens but because it was raining the place was way to cold and i was in a very bad spot to dare to move. 
I was about to mark this day down as one of the worst they of the week when i remembered that i have some reading to do so I started reading and lets say a few hours later what was to be a bad day turned around to be one of the best day's i had at work. 

I think this picture says it all for me in one caption. 
Now I want you to think 2 times when your having a bad day, Do you want to have one?.
The truth is that you have the power to  control how your day goes.


Monday 9 September 2013

Why I love Mondays!!

Normally people would list all the things they hate about Mondays for example : 
1. Back to work or school 
2.The end of the weekend. 
3. Its to far from Friday. 
and so much more reasons. 
 I honestly see nothing wrong with Mondays its another day I'm given life to do the things i couldn't yesterday. 
Its like this picture we all see things in a different way, but the truth is that Mondays mean that your just 4 days away form the weekend. Don't think because its the first day of  school or work,that you should be the  cup that thinks that the liquid inside of it is piss. 
If you set yourselves up for a crappy day or a half empty week that's what your going to get. 
Find a reason to love Mondays.
I love Mondays because it's one step closer to Tuesday which mean i get to write another blog post for you guys again. 
I Love Mondays because it means i get to wake up and see another day in my life. 
I Love Mondays Because I Can love Mondays!! That just life. 


Sunday 8 September 2013

This the week!!!

This week I'm going to be posting!! 
Prepare yourself for a week full of Amazing post!!
I hope  

Who is ready for a week full of awesomeness!!! 

Sunday 1 September 2013

Coming Back!!

Hello my name is Kendrew I have always been this person but for some reason I feel the need to reintroduce myself to you guys once again. I think the reason feel the need to do so, is due to the fact that i haven't been writing lately about what going on in my life and telling you guys how to get by in life when it knocks you done, for that I am truly sorry to you my readers. Sometimes in life you just run out of words to say but hopefully this my way of coming back to you guys but in  a hold new and different way. This time I'm going to get a little personal and tell you about my everyday life and how I Handel them.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Day 13:"Not Forgotten"

Good Day All, 
So Today I continue the Picture is worth a thousand words Part of this week, which is me showing a collage and telling you the story behind of the pictures in the collage. 

Not forgotten 

I call this one not forgotten, which is the name of this blog post because this is the time of my life i loved and will cherish the most for a while to come.
This was the moment in my life that i found out that I really like to  travel and see the world. There isn't much to talk about in this picture just some places i see and the way i  felt about the places in see and the people i  met. 
The first picture with me in the white shades was me just reaching New York I don't know why but i just felt liking taking that  picture and posting it there is no sad moment or reason behind the picture its just a picture. The next one is the sunset In St Thomas, when i saw that for some reason i felt as if something new was happening to as if i  could have take and control anything that happened in my life i felt peace. The sunset is still unknown to me why i  felt like that but i want to think its because i was spiritual connected with myself.
The next picture is the picture of 2 elephant the guy at the zoo said that they have been together for 20 or 50 years I'm not sure but i could remember the one thing that click in my head. I was sitting at the zoo and thinking how i want love like these elephants endless they had been together almost all there life and they still loved each other, the  reason i could say that is because i felt the love coming from them and when you look at the it make you want feel as if that they had something that i  didn't have.
I think that i here someone sad that water means life and that's why the next picture of the water  and the guy standing there is where its at, the book with the highlight page is/are verses i read and found them of great importance in my stage of life at that point.
The Tree show Something old but with age come wisdom and that's what i think i  found on my journey in this point of my life.
The three shadows are just that 3 shadow there no double meaning in that and the last picture is me when i  got back home form my travels.
Sometimes life has to take you where is want to  takes you in order for you to learn stuff and discover what life wants for you, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. Now I'm not saying that there isn't going to be speed bumps in the way and bird mess, but as long as you look at the bright side of everything you will make it and you shall find a good life and when you do, do not forget the pass. 

Wednesday 22 May 2013

DAY 12: "LUCKY ME"!!

I know i have said it ton of times before but i just want to say it again!! "Life is to short to not show your love”. Live in the in case, we honestly never know how long we have we can be here today and gone in a blink of an eye!!
We have this thing where we think that we are just here because we can. We never think of those people who didn't get the chance to have the things we have, things like heart pain and family. We complain about everything!

Just shut your complaining for once some people never have the chance to have a family or even live to have heart pain!!
We are all lucky that we have life right now!! Lucky you that you lived to see and read this blog post!! Lucky you, you got a job while some people don't!! Lucky you, you got to have your mom yell at you while someone else which there's was a live!!

I just want to say how lucky i am that I have all the pains i have in my life!! LUCKY ME!! My pain and sorry or things I Have that seem pointless in my life are there for a reason!!
What are you lucky you have today?? Be honest list the pain in your life!! Let  me know how lucky you are by posting a comment or emailing!!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Day 11: "Pictures that tell my Story"

They say a picture say a thousand words and to be honest my pictures do just that. 
They  use over a thousand words to tell the story of what happens to be me.
This week ill be showing some pictures of me and be telling the story behind them all, you will see some interesting ways I put my pictures and find out a little how my head works.
                                                                              Lost and Found

I call this picture lost and Found.
If you take time and look at the picture you would notice that there are a lot of elements that just doesn't fit in this collage. what I'm talking about is colorful lighting and the flower like color patter show the purple and orange, green, yellow and blue. That shows that at that moment in my life i  was lost and confuse about whats going on around me in my life and the lighting meaning that this confusion  was upsetting me. 
The two books you see in the picture is the Book of Mormon and the Bible the two things that where there for me when i needed them the most at that stage of my life.

The two small pictures of me on a CD cover shows that something happened to me at the stage of my life i  discovered a part of me that was there during all of my anger and confusion. I learned that i was a good writer of songs and poems. I had become an artist, something that no one would know about but something that was there that i found. 
The picture of me with the guitar partly and the car means that i  was on the road to grow and find out more about myself even if it means me losing more of what i  know now. The last big picture of myself  shows the end of one journey of my life it was the night of my graduation dinner. 

To be honest this point of my life was one of the hardest time in my life, i did and learn a lot of  things. 
But one of the most important thing i learned was the love of my family they where there when my life seem ever so over. 
looking back at this picture now one thing keeps running in my head, How lucky i am to have gotten a family and most importantly how lucky i am that i had my mom to be my rock when i gave up. 
I just want to  say to my readers no matter how much your family might have messed up or just seem to be a pain to your life, be glad you have them. Friends, relationship and people might come and go but family will be there forever no matter how much you mess up, even if they say they don't  want to have anything to do with you, they will always love and miss you.  

Monday 13 May 2013

Day 10 "The Girl With the perfect Smile"

I know what your thinking if you read the story about the girl in the hoodie Yesterday that i  sure i'm writing a lot about girls but the truth is that i  choose to  right about this one person Because we got close and if it was up to me we would have still been close all now. 
Now the Girl with the perfect Smile was a girl at my school. She was this very special person not in the that she was some one i loved or anything but in the way  she looked at life. 
She would  tell you what you should be thinking, she would look me the eye and tell me i can to it and she will  also  convince me  that i  could.
The girl with the perfect smile was Spanish, she was short and she just seem to always have the perfect smile to me when i see her even if she was having  a bad day. 
But must of my stories you would notice have this one element that makes you wounder if i  only remember sad moments in life. 
She got some really bad news the same time i did and she took it way better than  i  did but in the end it ended bad for her. 
I know it hard for me to explain what happened but im going to try doing this with limited detail Due to the fact that i  did not get permission to write this story about her. 
We both got super close after the bad news mostly because we where the only two that really understood what each other was going through and when i found out that this friend didn't make it, i honestly didn't want to  live. 
I had formed this bound with this girl that i couldnt have done anything but cry for days and be sad. It became so Bad for me that i had my mom call and fake sickness because i  wasn't sure i  could have endure to the end of that state of my life knowing that someone who  was there for me during my hard times didn't make it. 
It took me forever to get over that fact that things happen in life and the main thing is to be happy for myself and the help of my best friend to shake the fact that this was life now get over it. 

The reason why i  share this story is because i learned and important Lesson at this point of my life that sometime you try and you may think happy and good thoughts and not make it but life goes on you can't keep dwelling on the moment you mess up or the moment that things didn't go your way . 
You have to pres forward and endure to the end and that's what the girl with the perfect smile did after things didn't work out the way  she wanted,she moved on.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Day 9 “The Girl with the black Hoodie”

For the rest of the week I  will be sharing stories of people all round me and your relationship.
So for the next 3 day you would be hearing stories of people in my life but I would be sharing them in an interesting way. I will not be calling any names ill call them by something that was around or something that stands out about these person. The girl with the black hoodie is the first story.

The girl in the black hoodie was one of the first girl I saw cry and hurt with when she was hurt. She was this young and free spirited person with this smile that you would swear was from an angel. She had this way of saying things and making me do things that I would never seem to be wrong once she said it.  I know it sounds like I was in love with this person and the truth is that once I did like her but I’m not sure if I would call it love she was just a friend.

There was this night that the girl in the black hoodie thought that she was losing someone that she love so much and that she couldn't live without.  She had her black hoody on and that night was a so cold and but the moon was up bright and the stars where so bright. But something wasn't there that night her smile in its place  was the tears she had on her face.

It was the first time I saw how a girl handle heart break it was  such  a sad moment for me and its one memory that reminds in my head all the time whenever I  happen to  run into this person or go to  my closet for something her black hoodie is there looking at me.

She took this  heart pain hard reason being that the next day she was suffering from a hangover and I was there to catch her tears and pick up the pieces that where left there by some asshole of a boyfriend.  To be honest I never share this story with anyone because I never felt the need to  share it due to the fact that its one of the reason I said that I  didn’t want love because it can’t bring out the worst and best in all of us.

The girl in the black  hoodie was looking for more than just a guy to love she was looking for someone to spend the rest of her life with but the guy wasn’t he was looking for a good time.And that why I truly believe that love hurt the most when you love some because of the girl in the black  hoodie.